How HRDP-SK Works
Data Integration
How data is added to the HRDP-SK
A partner organization in the Master Health Data Sharing Agreement identifies data containing personal health information or personal information they would like to add to the HRDP-SK. They must be the Trustee of the personal health information, or a Government Institution or Local Authority responsible for the personal information to initiate a request.

The HRDP-SK team and the organization will work together to complete a Database Integration Form that outlines what information is available, for how many years, how it is collected, etc. Together, they agree to the data standardization, cleaning and quality checks that will be completed. A schedule of uploads is created to keep the information current.

The organization completes all privacy and security checks and authorizes the database to be transferred.

An Information Management Service Provider Agreement is established or updated between eHealth and the organization.

The database is transferred from the organization to eHealth.

eHealth, as the Information Management Service Provider, de-identifies the database and completes the agreed upon data standardization, cleaning and quality checks.

Information about the database is uploaded onto the HRDP-SK website and a data dictionary is available for teams requesting access.